Saturday, April 30, 2011

Senior Portraits {Andrea}

Warning!-this post contains lots of photos! Andrea made it super easy for me to capture her beauty.
She is so photogenic and made my job easy. Other than the little traffic jam we ran in to, we had such
a perfect session. Especially with the perfect weather :) There are so many favorites that I had such
a hard time picking out which ones I would post on my blog. So enjoy the many pictures that I posted!


  1. These are great! I'm doing a senior shoot tomorrow, so this was nice to run across! I'm going to emil you soon about some wedding stuff! It's getting so close!!!

  2. Thanks Rachel!! I'll be back in Louisville on the 9th if you want to get together to discuss details & a timeline, that would be great :)

  3. Cute!
    I love all of your photos! :)

  4. AH i cant wait until you do my Senior pictures.
    These look great.
    love you Anna:)

